Case Studies

Thanks to the expertise and experience of our town planning team at Aspbury Planning, we have had many decades of success in development projects across the whole country. See below for a selection of planning case studies, representing a small collection of the most recent and varied success stories that we have helped our clients to achieve.

Full Planning Permission for a New Dwelling at Chambers Yard, Ulceby

Appeal success for change of use of former garage to holiday let

Expert Witness – Planning Appeal Dismissal Success

Ouline Planning Permission secured for upto 95 dwellings

Alfreton Road Student Accommodation & Residential Affordable Family Houses

Planning permission granted for non designated Heritage asset at former Bank

Planning Success for 60 bed Assisted Living Accommodation in Eastwood

Planning Permission Granted at Former Apollo Car Wash

Change of use planning permission success for car sales to store and petrol station

Planning Permission for change of use from Care Home to HMO

Appeal success for Rose Cottage

Appeal success for residential development on green belt site Rayleigh

Planning Approval For Residential Development, Luton

Vista’s brand-new Centre for Sight Loss

Barn Conversion, Whatton

Witham St. Hugh’s, Lincolnshire

Walker Street, Eastwood, site allocated for residential development

North Bridge Leisure Centre, Halifax

Cartledge Hall Planning Hearing

Home Farm, Bunny, Nottinghamshire

Spanish Polytunnels

Prestwold Hall, Prestwold, Leicestershire

Land South of Princes Parade, Skegness

Former Dry Ski Slope, Cossall

Cross Keys, Bedworth

Freemen’s Cottages, Leicester