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Location: Orston, Nottinghamshire
Commercial Planning Appeal Planning Applications and Other Consents
Application Type: Planning AppealÂ
Proposal: Change of Use
Brief Description:
Rushcliffe Borough Council refused a 2nd application for the change of use of a former garage to holiday accommodation citing that the development would result in a significant intensification of use of the site and that the increased use through additional comings and goings, associated noise and disturbance and associated on-street parking pressures would be to the detriment of neighbouring amenity.
APL was able to build a case around an old planning permission for the change of use of the garage to home office even though the current applicant was not using it in that way. The Inspector, agreed that the old permission was a material consideration and concluded that the office use could be more intensely used as the condition only required it to be used in conjunction with the house not that it couldn’t be used by people outside of the host dwelling. Therefore the comings and goings would be no greater from the tourist use of the building and complied with tourism policies of the Local Plan.