
Planning Applications and Other Consents

Drawing up planning applications and other consents and seeing them through to a successful outcome is one of our core responsibilities. 

Our expertise and deep understanding of development control processes allow us to:

  • Identify the main planning issues in any case
  • Advise on how best to formulate and present an application 
  • Co-ordinate the input of other professionals in the team 
  • Act as your nominated agent for the planning application stage 


Our remit may also include:

  • Pre-application and post-application consultation and negotiation with local authorities, stakeholders and other relevant bodies
  • Organising and taking part in community engagement events
  • Providing town planning input into Environmental Impact Assessments and other relevant supporting materials 
  • Preparing Design and Access Statements, Town Planning Statements and Heritage Impact Assessments (where necessary) to support an application 
  • Drawing up ‘heads of terms’ for planning obligations 
  • Drafting planning conditions
  • Agreeing planning obligations and planning conditions with the authorities – and ensuring these are met 
  • Presentations to planning committees 


In addition to general planning applications, there is an extensive range of interconnected consents for which approval may be required as part of the planning process.  We will assess each individual project, then advise and assist you in obtaining any consents required for that proposal, which may include one or more of the following: 

  • Reserved Matters
  • Lawful Development Certificates (LDC) 
  • Prior Notifications 
  • Listed Building Consent 
  • Advertisement Consent 
  • Relevant Development/Conservation Area Applications
  • Section 106 (legal agreement)  
  • Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) 
  • Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) 
  • Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development (CLEUD) 
  • Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD)
  • Non-material/minor amendment applications  
  • S73 removal of planning conditions 
  • Discharge of Conditions
  • Change of Use

Full Planning Permission for a New Dwelling at Chambers Yard, Ulceby

Appeal success for change of use of former garage to holiday let

Ouline Planning Permission secured for upto 95 dwellings

Alfreton Road Student Accommodation & Residential Affordable Family Houses

Planning permission granted for non designated Heritage asset at former Bank

Planning Success for 60 bed Assisted Living Accommodation in Eastwood

Planning Permission Granted at Former Apollo Car Wash

Change of use planning permission success for car sales to store and petrol station

Planning Permission for change of use from Care Home to HMO

Appeal success for residential development on green belt site Rayleigh