LPA - Development Management Services
We provide support to a number of Midlands Local Planning Authorities in delivery of an off-site Development Management service.
Our Planners have extensive Local Government knowledge having worked for several Local Authorities. Our experienced Planners can work alongside the Council delivering statutory and corporate responsibilities and they maintain a high level of knowledge on legislation and procedural matters.
Our development management service includes:
- Managing a case load of:
- Householder Applications
- Full Planning Applications – minor and major
- Outline consents
- Reserved Matters Applications
- Listed Building Consents
- Lawful Development Certificates
- Prior Notifications – Agriculture, Telecommunications, large residential extensions, commercial to residential, barn conversions.
- Advertisement Consents
- Works to Trees
- Undertaking Site Visits
- Negotiations with Applicants to get the best outcome
- Consultations with Statutory consultees and interested parties
- Preparation of Committee Reports and Delegated Reports
- Preparation of Written Appeals
- Attendance at Appeal Hearings/ Public Inquiry
- Assisting with Pre-Application Advice, Planning/Heritage
- Discharge of Conditions