
Planning Appeal

This is a key area of our work.  If an Applicant is unhappy with a planning decision, a planning appeal can be made to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, who also has the power to ‘call in’ applications to consider a different decision.

Appeals and call-ins are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate using written representations, hearings or public local inquiries, depending on the circumstances.  We are experienced in representing clients at all types of appeal.

Our appeals service includes: 

  • Preparing the grounds of your appeal
  • Lodging and administering the appeal
  • Co-ordinating input from other professionals
  • Submitting town planning statements, proofs and evidence 
  • Conducting hearings
  • Appearing as witnesses

Appeal success for change of use of former garage to holiday let

Expert Witness – Planning Appeal Dismissal Success

Appeal success for Rose Cottage

Appeal success for residential development on green belt site Rayleigh

Cartledge Hall Planning Hearing