Barn Conversion, Whatton

Location: Rushcliffe

Agriculture and Rural Estates   Planning Applications and Other Consents   Residential   Site Appraisals and Planning Strategy

Client:  Knightwood Farms

Application Type: Full Application

Proposal:  Conversion of surplus Dutch barn into residential dwelling

Brief Description:

APL secured Full Planning permission for the conversion and change of use of this existing Dutch barn to provide a new 5-bedroom dwelling. The proposal was carefully considered to deliver a contemporary, high-quality design which preserved and enhanced the simple form of the original building.

Following approval of a new replacement agricultural building, this proposed change of use sought, by way of re-use of this soon to be redundant building, to secure the long-term use of an agricultural building of merit. The scheme made use of carefully considered high-quality materials and design to enhance the visual character and appearance of this rural area in accordance with Local Plan and National policies.

APL worked to overcome challenges and objections from consultees such as Highways and Environmental Health, working collaboratively with the Highways Consultant and sub-contractors to overcome objections and whilst demonstrating the compliance of the scheme with planning policy. The application was successfully approved under Delegated Powers.

Project Contact

Andrew Pettifor

BSc Hons, MRTPI Senior & Heritage Planner