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Location: Witham St. Hugh’s (Phase III)
Local Plan Representations Planning Applications and Other Consents Residential
Client: Strawsons Property
Application Type: Outline/ Discharge of Condition/ Reserved Matters– New Settlement Extension
Number of Dwellings: 1100 + 150 Specialist Homes
Description: Witham St Hugh’s has been a phenomenally successful new settlement on the Lincolnshire/Nottinghamshire border just off the A46 Trunk Road. Aspbury Planning have been involved with this project from its inception back in the early 2000’s and over 1000 dwellings, primary school, community, retail and sporting facilities have been delivered to date.
Outline Permission was secured in 2019 for Phase III, comprising the additional housing and recreational provision on the landholding between the originally consented housing and the A46. A subsequent and complex discharge of conditions application followed. A scheme of this scale brings its challenges as we sought to work with agencies such as Highways England, Environment Agency, Lincolnshire County Council (Highways, Education, Heritage, and Flood Risk), WSH Parish Council and North Kesteven as Local Planning Authority. A task-focused and collaborative approach is now seeing the site infrastructure going in and the first two Phase III housebuilders securing Reserved Matters approval and commencing development.
We have been involved throughout the scheme, from local plan site promotion, co-ordination of application submissions and acting as the interface between the client and the LPA.
APL was awarded ‘Development Scheme of the Year 2016’ by the East Midlands Royal Town Planning Institute. The scheme is ongoing.