Our BD is a Social Value Champion

4th February 2025


Melissa Diamond

Business Development Manager


Social Value Champion - Winner


Our BD Melissa Diamond has won an award for something very close to her heart.

The Power in Partnerships Awards take place on 21st March at Alea Casino Nottingham Book tickets here and we have just received notification that Melissa has won the BASE 51 Social Value Champion Award!

Here’s a snippet from the entry “Melissa is passionate about helping the community and in particular young people and their mental health. Base 51 is special to her. Coming from a deprived background herself, experiencing abuse first hand and understanding the impact this had on her own mental health, she has battled to (provide) opportunities to help young people in the same situation thrive and to show them that you always have a choice and that they can be whatever they want to be.”

Melissa Diamond said “I feel very overwhelmed and incredibly grateful to receive this award, but the main focus should be and always continue to be, to raise the profile of and support the amazing charities that make these opportunities for our young people possible and we all have a responsibility to make that happen”.

We are so incredibly proud of what she has and continues to achieve and we hope you will join us in congratulating her 👏👏👏

Thanks also to the sponsors Nottingham Trent University and Devello Group

awardwinner socialvaluechampion supportyoungpeople charity socialresponsibility opportunities youthwork childrenarethefuture builtenvironment